Tag Archives: Stack Overflow

I was recently listening to the Linux Voice Podcast and in the most recent podcast they had done a little bit of poking about on reddit and had collected and compared the total number of subscribers, per programming language.

They went on to wonder what it would be like on Stack Overflow, and I figured I’d give it a go doing the research and submitting it to them. If you want to listen for yourself, you can listen to/download the .mp3 stream and listen around the 30min mark.

Here’s the image from the original reddit post:

And here’s mine, compiled from the most popular tags list on Stack Overflow:

Programming Language Tags by Followers

Programming Language Tags by Followers

Partial credit is due to Anna Lear, one of the software devs on Stack Exchange, as she was able to run a request on the back-end database that got me the exact number of followers per tag.


Programming Language Tags by Followers on Stack Overflow

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